Tag Archives: Sainsbury’s

Ho Ho Hummus and a Happy New Year

You’ve put away your new socks and pyjamas. That ridiculous sweater you pull out every Christmas. (Yes, yes, it’s for fun. I know it’s not representative of your sense of fashion). And now your thoughts turn to the year ahead. What does it hold? How long will it take to burn all the calories you scoffed? Where did you put those gym membership vouchers? When will Justin Bieber grow facial hair? Always the same questions every year.

(Warning: link contains explicit facial and bodily hair images that some readers may find disturbing. Especially when you think about the last dude and the runway that’s almost certainly hiding beneath that rugby ball… Shudder.)

But amid the financial gloom, revolutions and Katy Perry’s impending divorce, an auspicious tub of hope comes spreading through… Sorry Mayans, things are looking up for 2012. The proof is in the hummus.

And as much as I love to get on my soap box, a girl’s gotta give credit where it’s due: You go Sainsbury’s! Show ’em how it’s done. Hummus ain’t Greek!

Though – and dear Sainsbury’s don’t take this the wrong way – I have to add, if the ‘S’ in ‘SO’ stands for Sainsbury’s and the ‘O’ stands for organic, doesn’t that make the name “Sainsbury’s Sainsbury’s Organic Organic Houmous”?

Just a thought.

Sainsburys 1 – Waitrose 0
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